Pet Anesthesia
Pet Anesthesia in Elk Grove, CA 95758
Prior to the operation, your pet could undergo a pre-anesthesia check-up. To determine whether your pet is a good candidate for anesthesia, this may involve blood work or X-rays.
With any anesthetic, safety is always our main focus. We use the most advanced equipment to monitor our patients’ vital signs, administer the safest veterinary anesthetic possible, and instruct our personnel in the most recent procedures. We continuously track a variety of parameters, including blood pressure, body temperature, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, heart rate, and more.
Both owners and their pets may become anxious under anesthesia. Modern anesthetics are provided at Hatton Veterinary Hospital. For the safest experience we can provide for your pet, we employ the most recent monitoring and medication practices. Every animal under anesthesia is given the proper pain medication for their operation.
Prior to the operation, your pet could undergo a pre-anesthesia check-up. To determine whether your pet is a good candidate for anesthesia, this may involve blood work or X-rays.